#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ malimporter.py is part of animedb. The purpose of this program is to import an Copyright (C) 2018 Daniel Jones daniel@danieljon.es This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ import sys; import argparse; import xml.etree.ElementTree; import sqlite3; class Anime: """ each anime imported gets its own instance of Anime meta data stored here """ userid = 0; username = ""; watchingcount = 0; completedcount = 0; onholdcount = 0; droppedcount = 0; plantowatchcount = 0; animecount = 0; def __init__(self, animeobj): self.animeid = animeobj.find("series_animedb_id").text self.title = animeobj.find("series_title").text; self.episodes = animeobj.find("series_episodes").text; self.type = animeobj.find("series_type").text; self.watched = animeobj.find("my_watched_episodes").text; self.score = animeobj.find("my_score").text; self.status = animeobj.find("my_status").text; self.notes = animeobj.find("my_comments").text; def metadata(meta): """ collect meta data """ for data in meta.findall("myinfo"): Anime.userid = data.find("user_id").text; Anime.username = data.find("user_name").text; Anime.watchingcount = data.find("user_total_watching").text; Anime.completedcount = data.find("user_total_completed").text; Anime.onholdcount = data.find("user_total_onhold").text; Anime.droppedcount = data.find("user_total_dropped").text; Anime.animecount = data.find("user_total_anime").text; def dbconnect(dbname): """ connect to our database and return the object """ try: dbcon = sqlite3.connect(dbname); except: e = sys.exc_info()[0]; exit(e); return dbcon; def dbcommitclose(db): """ commit and close database """ db.commit(); db.close(); def dbcreatetables(db): """ create our required tables if they don't exist """ metaquery = ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meta (maluserid TEXT, " \ "malusername TEXT, " \ "watchingcount INTEGER, " \ "completedcount INTEGER, " \ "onholdcount INTEGER, " \ "droppedcount INTEGER, " \ "animecount INTEGER)"); animequery = ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS anime (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "\ "animeid INTEGER, " \ "title TEXT, " \ "episodes INTEGER, " \ "type TEXT, " \ "watched INTEGER, " "score INTEGER, " \ "status TEXT, " \ "notes TEXT)"); db.execute(metaquery); db.execute(animequery); def dbinsertmetadata(db): """ insert our meta data """ metadata = (Anime.userid, Anime.username, Anime.watchingcount, Anime.completedcount, Anime.onholdcount, Anime.droppedcount, Anime.animecount); db.execute("INSERT INTO meta VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", metadata); def dbinsertanimedata(db, animelist): """ insert anime data """ animedata = []; for anime in animelist: animedata.append([anime.animeid, anime.title, anime.episodes, anime.type, anime.watched, anime.score, anime.status, anime.notes]); db.executemany("INSERT INTO anime ('animeid', " \ "'title', " \ "'episodes', " \ "'type', " \ "'watched', " \ "'score', " \ "'status', " \ "'notes') " \ "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", animedata); if __name__ == "__main__": """ argument parse xml parse collect meta data (total anime, etc) append each anime to animelist[] connect to database create our tables if they don't exist insert meta data into the meta table insert anime data into the anime table commit and close database """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(); parser.add_argument("-i", "--import", type=str, action="store", dest="xmlfile", required=True, help="XML anime export file from MAL to be imported"); parser.add_argument("-d", "--database", type=str, action="store", dest="dbfile", default="../userdb.db", required=False, help="sqlite3 database file to import into"); args = parser.parse_args(); print("importing {} into {}".format(args.xmlfile, args.dbfile)); animelist = []; try: e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(args.xmlfile).getroot(); except FileNotFoundError as e: exit(e); # collect meta data metadata(e); # collect anime data for animes in e.findall("anime"): animelist.append(Anime(animes)); # connect to our database db = dbconnect(args.dbfile); # create the anime table if required dbcreatetables(db); # insert meta data into the database dbinsertmetadata(db); #insert anime data into the database dbinsertanimedata(db, animelist); # commit and close db dbcommitclose(db); print("MAL name: {}\n"\ "MAL id: {}\n" \ "total anime {}\n" \ "total watching {}\n" \ "total completed {}\n" \ "total on hold {}\n" \ "total dropped {}" \ .format( Anime.username, Anime.userid, Anime.animecount, Anime.watchingcount, Anime.completedcount, Anime.onholdcount, Anime.droppedcount));