#!/bin/bash # check for mkvextract command -v mkvextract >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Requires mkvextract. Aborting."; exit; } POSITIONAL=(); while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1"; case $key in -d|--directory) DIRECTORY="$2"; shift; shift; ;; -f|--file) FILE="$2"; shift; shift; ;; -t|--track) TRACK="$2"; shift; shift; ;; -w|--word) WORD="$2"; shift; shift; ;; -m|--merge) MERGE=1; shift; shift; ;; esac done set -- "{$POSITIONAL[@]}"; # check if out directory exists # TODO handle case out exists but other subdirs don't if [ ! -d "out" ]; then echo "making out directory.."; mkdir out; mkdir out/clips; fi if ! [[ -z $FILE || -z $DIRECTORY ]]; then echo "You have both -d and -f set.. choose one, not both.."; exit; fi if [[ -z $FILE && -z $DIRECTORY ]]; then echo "no file or directory provided (use -f [file] or -d [dir]).."; exit; fi if [ -z "$TRACK" ]; then #assume subtitle track = 2 echo "track not set (use -t [truck number]). You kind find the subtitle track number using 'mkvinfo [file]'.."; exit; fi if [ -z "$WORD" ]; then echo "no word set, using default word (use -w [word] to set the word).."; WORD="idiot"; # baka~ fi if ! [ -z "$FILE" ]; then #echo "using single file.."; SINGLEFILE=true; fi if ! [ -z "$DIRECTORY" ]; then #echo "using directory"; SINGLEFILE=false; fi # we're done the boring stuff x=0; function getsubs { # $1 = file #echo "getting subs for "$1""; rm out/subs.srt; CFILE=$(basename "$1" .mkv); #echo "CFILE is "$CFILE""; #echo "extracting subs from $1 track ${TRACK} to out/subs.srt"; mkvextract tracks "$1" ${TRACK}:out/subs.srt; grepsubs -i "$1" "$CFILE"; } function grepsubs { # $1 = file $2 = CFILE while read -r line; do ((x++)); #echo "line in grep ${line}"; #parselinie $x "$1" $line; parseline "$1" "$line" "$2"; done < <(grep "$WORD" out/subs.srt); } function parseline { # $1 = file $2 = line $3 = CFILE IFS=',' read -r -a array <<< "$2"; echo "start time: ${array[1]}"; echo "end time: ${array[2]}"; cutvideo "$1" "${array[1]}" "${array[2]}" "$3"; } function cutvideo { # $1 = file $2 = start time $3 = end time $4 = CFILE ffmpeg -i "$1" -ss 0"$2" -to 0"$3" -async 1 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast out/clips/clip_"$x"_"$4".mkv < /dev/null } function merge { echo "merging mkv's.."; str=(); x=0; for f in out/clips/*.mkv; do if [ $x == 0 ]; then str+=""$f""; fi if [ $x != 0 ]; then str+=" +"$f""; fi ((x++)); done; mkvmerge $str -o out/out.mkv } # getsubs function will run the chain that does the whole process if ! [ -z "$MERGE" ]; then merge; exit; fi if [ $SINGLEFILE == true ]; then echo "doing one file"; getsubs "$FILE"; fi if [ $SINGLEFILE == false ]; then for f in "$DIRECTORY"/*.mkv; do getsubs "$f"; done; fi