#include "stats_display_window.h" #include "ui_stats_display_window.h" stats_display_window::stats_display_window(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::stats_display_window) { ui->setupUi(this); connect(this, SIGNAL(window_loaded()), this, SLOT(window_open()), Qt::ConnectionType(Qt::QueuedConnection | Qt::UniqueConnection)); } stats_display_window::~stats_display_window() { delete ui; } void stats_display_window::setup_user() { /* * this function sets up our user struct * TODO: CLEAN IT UP */ user.username = parse.parse_user_data("\"personaname\":", ": "); user.realname = parse.parse_user_data("\"realname\":", ": "); user.avatar_url = parse.parse_user_data("\"avatarfull\":", ": "); user.status = parse.parse_user_data("\"personastate\":", ": "); user.user_64id = parse.parse_user_data("\"steamid\":", ": "); download.download_file(user.avatar_url, "avatar.jpg"); /* now we have to deal with our user account details */ ui->username_label->setText(user.username.left(15)); if (user.realname == "null") ui->realname_label->setText("Real name not set"); else ui->realname_label->setText(user.realname); if (user.username == "null") { QPixmap avatar(":/icons/icons/avatar.jpg"); ui->avatar_label->setPixmap(avatar); } else { QPixmap avatar("avatar.jpg"); ui->avatar_label->setPixmap(avatar); } /* user online status */ switch(user.status.toInt()) { case 0: ui->status_label->setText("Offline"); break; case 1: ui->status_label->setText("Online"); break; case 2: ui->status_label->setText("Busy"); break; case 3: ui->status_label->setText("Away"); break; case 4: ui->status_label->setText("Snooze"); break; default: ui->status_label->setText("Unknown status"); break; } } void stats_display_window::setup_csgo_data() { /* this function populates our data templates and fills in the UI */ /* tables */ ui->weapon_table->setColumnCount(2); ui->weapon_table->setRowCount(33); ui->map_table->setColumnCount(2); ui->map_table->setRowCount(20); /* * set data in user.weapons * create a qlabel for each weapon * 2 and set the info */ for (int x = 0; x < 33; x++) { /* parse stats */ user.weapons[x][2] = parse.parse_csgo_data("total_kills_" + user.weapons[x][0]); user.weapons[x][3] = parse.parse_csgo_data("total_shots_" + user.weapons[x][0]); user.weapons[x][4] = parse.parse_csgo_data("total_hits_" + user.weapons[x][0]); user.weapons[x][5] = QString::number(user.weapons[x][4].toFloat() / user.weapons[x][3].toFloat(), 'f', 2); /* set weapon label */ user.weapon_labels << new QLabel(this); user.weapon_labels.at(x)->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); user.weapon_labels.at(x)->setText("

" + user.weapons[x][0] + "
"); ui->weapon_table->setCellWidget(x, 0, user.weapon_labels.at(x)); /* set weapon stat labels */ user.stat_labels << new QLabel(this); user.stat_labels.at(x)->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); user.stat_labels.at(x)->setText(user.weapons[x][2] + " kills
" + user.weapons[x][3] + " shots
" + user.weapons[x][4] + " hits
" + user.weapons[x][5] + " hit ratio"); ui->weapon_table->setCellWidget(x, 1, user.stat_labels.at(x)); } /* * set data in user.maps * create a qlabel for each map * 2 and set the info */ for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { /* parse stats */ user.maps[x][2] = parse.parse_csgo_data("total_rounds_map_" + user.maps[x][0] + '"'); user.maps[x][3] = parse.parse_csgo_data("total_wins_map_" + user.maps[x][0] + '"'); user.maps[x][4] = QString::number(user.maps[x][2].toInt() - user.maps[x][3].toInt()); user.maps[x][5] = QString::number(user.maps[x][3].toFloat() / user.maps[x][2].toFloat(), 'f', 2); /* set map label */ user.map_labels << new QLabel(this); user.map_labels.at(x)->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); user.map_labels.at(x)->setText("

" + user.maps[x][0] + "
"); ui->map_table->setCellWidget(x, 0, user.map_labels.at(x)); /* set map stat labels */ user.map_stat_labels << new QLabel(this); user.map_stat_labels.at(x)->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); user.map_stat_labels.at(x)->setText(user.maps[x][2] + " rounds
" + user.maps[x][3] + " won
" + user.maps[x][4] + " lost
" + user.maps[x][5] + " W/L ratio"); ui->map_table->setCellWidget(x, 1, user.map_stat_labels.at(x)); } /* time played */ user.time_ingame = parse.parse_csgo_data("total_time_played"); QString time_in_game = "Hours in CS:GO: " + QString::number(user.time_ingame.toInt() / 3600); ui->time_in_label->setText(time_in_game); /* mvp */ user.mvp_count = parse.parse_csgo_data("total_mvps"); ui->mvp_number_label->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); ui->mvp_number_label->setText(" " + user.mvp_count + " MVPs"); /* total kills */ ui->total_kills_label->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); user.total_kills = parse.parse_csgo_data("total_kill"); ui->total_kills_label->setText(" Total kills: " + QString::number(user.total_kills.toInt())); /* total deaths */ user.total_deaths = parse.parse_csgo_data("total_deaths"); ui->total_deaths_label->setText(" Total deaths: " + QString::number(user.total_deaths.toInt())); /* k/d ratio */ user.kd_ratio = QString::number(user.total_kills.toFloat() / user.total_deaths.toFloat()).toFloat(); ui->kd_ratio_label->setText("K/D Ratio: " + QString::number(user.kd_ratio, 'f', 2)); } void stats_display_window::reload_profile() { /* a hacky function that refreshes stats displayed */ qDebug() << "Attempting to download user data"; QString file_loc = "http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key=FEBFDE46520663091143F867FEE39BFF&steamids=" + user.user_64id; int success = download.download_file(file_loc, "userdata.dat"); if (success == 1) { qDebug() << "Attempting to download cs:go data"; file_loc = "http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame/v0002/?appid=730&key=FEBFDE46520663091143F867FEE39BFF&steamid=" + user.user_64id; success = download.download_file(file_loc, "csgodata.dat"); } if (success == 1) { window_open(); qDebug() << "User data and CS:GO stats refreshed"; /* file could be ANYTHING or empty! */ } else { qDebug() << "Failed"; } } void stats_display_window::load_players() { /* fill our lists and dropdown box with user data */ ui->users_dropdown->clear(); usernames.clear(); userids.clear(); parse.parse_users(); usernames = parse.get_usernames(); userids = parse.get_ids(); for (int x = 0; x < usernames.length(); x++) { ui->users_dropdown->addItem(usernames.at(x)); } } void stats_display_window::showEvent(QShowEvent *ev) { emit window_loaded(); } void stats_display_window::window_open() { /* * this slot is called when our stats window is opened * we will call our user setup function * we will then call our csgo data setup function * we then need to load our players into the drop down box and lists */ setup_user(); setup_csgo_data(); load_players(); } void stats_display_window::on_refresh_button_clicked() { reload_profile(); load_players(); } void stats_display_window::on_new_id_button_clicked() { if (ui->new_steam_id->text() != "") { user.user_64id = ui->new_steam_id->text(); reload_profile(); load_players(); } } void stats_display_window::on_users_dropdown_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if (!usernames.isEmpty() && index != -1) ui->new_steam_id->setText(userids.at(index)); } void stats_display_window::on_manage_users_button_clicked() { manage.show(); }