Logic gate simulator in C++ using FOX. ![image](https://danieljon.es/media/foxlogicgates1.png) Video of program: https://danieljon.es/posts/media/post115_3.mp4 Click on an icon and left-click anywhere on the canvas to place that gate (or input/output). Select a gate by left-clicking on it and press delete to delete that gate and its links. Hold shift and left-click and drag a link to another gate to connect them. Click on a gates input to highlight that particular link, press the delete key to delete that link. Right-click on an input to toggle it on and off. You can save to an XML file by clicking the save button and selecting a name. You can also load from an xML file by clicking load. Some example circuits are provided in the examples/ directory. # build You need the FOX toolkit installed. On arch install the 'fox' package. ``` cmake CmakeLists.txt make ``` The binary is in bin/