diff options
3 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index fcc97eb..ca45883 100644
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ UNRELEASED
* Added support for channel keys.
* 422 message is now sent after registration when no MOTD is available.
* Added support for WALLOPS command.
+ * Added option to store persistent state (currently channel topic and key).
0.3 2011-08-25
diff --git a/test b/test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..af947ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+set -e
+pyflakes miniircd
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..463c63f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import signal
+import socket
+import tempfile
+import time
+from import assert_not_in, assert_true
+SERVER_PORT = 16667
+class ServerFixture(object):
+ def setUp(self, persistent=False):
+ if persistent:
+ self.state_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ else:
+ self.state_dir = None
+ pid = os.fork()
+ if pid == 0:
+ # Child.
+ arguments = [
+ "miniircd",
+# "--debug",
+ "--ports=%d" % SERVER_PORT,
+ ]
+ if persistent:
+ arguments.append("--statedir=%s" % self.state_dir)
+ os.execv("./miniircd", arguments)
+ # Parent.
+ self.child_pid = pid
+ self.connections = {} # nick -> fp
+ def connect(self, nick):
+ assert_not_in(nick, self.connections)
+ s = socket.socket()
+ tries_left = 100
+ while tries_left > 0:
+ try:
+ s.connect(("localhost", SERVER_PORT))
+ break
+ except socket.error:
+ tries_left -= 1
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ self.connections[nick] = s.makefile()
+ self.send(nick, "NICK %s" % nick)
+ self.send(nick, "USER %s * * %s" % (nick, nick))
+ self.expect(nick, r":local\S+ 001 %s :.*" % nick)
+ self.expect(nick, r":local\S+ 002 %s :.*" % nick)
+ self.expect(nick, r":local\S+ 003 %s :.*" % nick)
+ self.expect(nick, r":local\S+ 004 %s :.*" % nick)
+ self.expect(nick, r":local\S+ 251 %s :.*" % nick)
+ self.expect(nick, r":local\S+ 422 %s :.*" % nick)
+ def shutDown(self):
+ os.kill(self.child_pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+ if self.state_dir:
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(self.state_dir)
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.shutDown()
+ for x in self.connections.values():
+ x.close()
+ def send(self, nick, message):
+ self.connections[nick].write(message + "\r\n")
+ self.connections[nick].flush()
+ def expect(self, nick, regexp):
+ def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
+ raise AssertionError("timeout while waiting for %r" % regexp)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
+ signal.alarm(1) # Give the server 1 second to respond
+ line = self.connections[nick].readline().rstrip()
+ signal.alarm(0) # Cancel the alarm
+ regexp = "^%s$" % regexp
+ m = re.match(regexp, line)
+ if m:
+ return m
+ else:
+ assert_true(False, "Regexp %r didn't match %r" % (regexp, line))
+class TwoClientsTwoChannelsFixture(ServerFixture):
+ def setUp(self):
+ ServerFixture.setUp(self)
+ try:
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "JOIN #fisk,#brugd")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 331 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 353 apa = #fisk :apa")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 366 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ JOIN #brugd")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 331 apa #brugd :.*")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 353 apa = #brugd :apa")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 366 apa #brugd :.*")
+ self.connect("lemur")
+ self.send("lemur", "JOIN #fisk,#brugd unused1,unused2")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":lemur!lemur@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":local\S+ 331 lemur #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":local\S+ 353 lemur = #fisk :apa lemur")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":local\S+ 366 lemur #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":lemur!lemur@ JOIN #brugd")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":local\S+ 331 lemur #brugd :.*")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":local\S+ 353 lemur = #brugd :apa lemur")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":local\S+ 366 lemur #brugd :.*")
+ self.expect("apa", r":lemur!lemur@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":lemur!lemur@ JOIN #brugd")
+ except:
+ self.shutDown()
+ raise
+class TestBasicStuff(ServerFixture):
+ def test_registration(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ def test_bad_ping(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "PING")
+ self.expect("apa", r"\S+ 409 apa :.*")
+ def test_good_ping(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "PING :fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ PONG \S+ :fisk")
+ def test_unknown_command(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "FISK fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 421 apa FISK :.*")
+ def test_away(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "AWAY :gone fishing")
+ # Currently no reply.
+ def test_argumentless_away(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "AWAY")
+ # Currently no reply.
+ def test_argumentless_join(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "JOIN")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 461 apa JOIN :Not enough parameters")
+ def test_argumentless_list(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "LIST")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 323 apa :End of LIST")
+ def test_argumentless_mode(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "MODE")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 461 apa MODE :Not enough parameters")
+ def test_argumentless_motd(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "MOTD")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 422 apa :MOTD File is missing")
+ def test_argumentless_nick(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "NICK")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 431 :No nickname given")
+ def test_argumentless_notice(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "NOTICE")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 411 apa :No recipient given \(NOTICE\)")
+ def test_privmsg_to_user(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.connect("lemur")
+ self.send("apa", "PRIVMSG lemur :fisk")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":apa!apa@ PRIVMSG lemur :fisk")
+ def test_privmsg_to_nobody(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "PRIVMSG lemur :fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 401 apa lemur :.*")
+ def test_notice_to_user(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.connect("lemur")
+ self.send("apa", "NOTICE lemur :fisk")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":apa!apa@ NOTICE lemur :fisk")
+ def test_notice_to_nobody(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "NOTICE lemur :fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 401 apa lemur :.*")
+ def test_join_and_part_one_user(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "LIST")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 323 apa :.*")
+ self.send("apa", "JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 331 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 353 apa = #fisk :apa")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 366 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.send("apa", "LIST")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 322 apa #fisk 1 :")
+ self.expect("apa", r":\S+ 323 apa :.*")
+ self.send("apa", "PART #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ PART #fisk :apa")
+ self.send("apa", "LIST")
+ self.expect("apa", r":\S+ 323 apa :.*")
+ def test_join_and_part_two_users(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 331 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 353 apa = #fisk :apa")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 366 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.connect("lemur")
+ self.send("lemur", "JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":lemur!lemur@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":local\S+ 331 lemur #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":local\S+ 353 lemur = #fisk :apa lemur")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":local\S+ 366 lemur #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("apa", r":lemur!lemur@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.send("lemur", "PART #fisk :boa")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":lemur!lemur@ PART #fisk :boa")
+ self.expect("apa", r":lemur!lemur@ PART #fisk :boa")
+class TestTwoChannelsStuff(TwoClientsTwoChannelsFixture):
+ def test_privmsg_to_channel(self):
+ self.send("apa", "PRIVMSG #fisk :lax")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":apa!apa@ PRIVMSG #fisk :lax")
+ def test_notice_to_channel(self):
+ self.send("apa", "NOTICE #fisk :lax")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":apa!apa@ NOTICE #fisk :lax")
+ def test_get_empty_topic(self):
+ self.send("apa", "TOPIC #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 331 apa #fisk :.*")
+ def test_set_topic(self):
+ self.send("apa", "TOPIC #fisk :sill")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ TOPIC #fisk :sill")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":apa!apa@ TOPIC #fisk :sill")
+ self.send("apa", "LIST")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 322 apa #brugd 2 :")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 322 apa #fisk 2 :sill")
+ self.expect("apa", r":\S+ 323 apa :.*")
+ def test_get_topic(self):
+ self.send("apa", "TOPIC #fisk :sill")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ TOPIC #fisk :sill")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":apa!apa@ TOPIC #fisk :sill")
+ self.send("lemur", "TOPIC #fisk")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":local\S+ 332 lemur #fisk :sill")
+ def test_channel_key(self):
+ self.send("apa", "MODE #fisk +k nors")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ MODE #fisk \+k nors")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":apa!apa@ MODE #fisk \+k nors")
+ self.send("apa", "PART #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ PART #fisk :apa")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":apa!apa@ PART #fisk :apa")
+ self.send("apa", "MODE #fisk -k")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 442 #fisk :.*")
+ self.send("apa", "MODE #fisk +k boa")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 442 #fisk :.*")
+ self.send("apa", "JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 475 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.send("apa", "JOIN #fisk nors")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 331 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 353 apa = #fisk :apa lemur")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 366 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("lemur", r":apa!apa@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.send("apa", "MODE #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 324 apa #fisk \+k nors")
+class TestPersistentState(ServerFixture):
+ def setUp(self):
+ ServerFixture.setUp(self, True)
+ def test_persistent_channel_state(self):
+ self.connect("apa")
+ self.send("apa", "JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 331 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 353 apa = #fisk :apa")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 366 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.send("apa", "TOPIC #fisk :molusk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ TOPIC #fisk :molusk")
+ self.send("apa", "MODE #fisk +k skunk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ MODE #fisk \+k skunk")
+ self.send("apa", "PART #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ PART #fisk :apa")
+ self.send("apa", "MODE #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 403 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.send("apa", "JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 475 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.send("apa", "JOIN #fisk skunk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":apa!apa@ JOIN #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 332 apa #fisk :molusk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 353 apa = #fisk :apa")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 366 apa #fisk :.*")
+ self.send("apa", "MODE #fisk")
+ self.expect("apa", r":local\S+ 324 apa #fisk \+k skunk")