Unreleased * Find certificate specified with relative path when using --daemon. * Handle quickly disconnecting client without crashing. * Import ssl module before entering chroot jail. * Renamed options: * --logdir to --channel-log-dir * --statedir to --state-dir * Added options: * --log-count: number of log files to keep * --log-file: log file path * --log-max-size: maximum size of log file before rotating * --password-file: file from which to read connection password * --pid-file: file to write PID to * Split name listing message into multiple 353 messages when needed. * Made miniircd start correctly on Windows. * Use the same 004 reply syntax as other ircds do. * Fixed wallops command when given no arguments. 1.1 (2015-05-22) * Allow dash in nicknames. 1.0 (2015-02-09) * Added support for the LUSERS command (by Alex Wright). * Added basic SSL support (by Leandro Lucarella). * Added support for --chroot and -setuid (by Rezrov Frotz). * Added --listen option to set address to bind to (by Martin Maney). * Added support for Python 3 and dropped support for Python 2.5 and older. 0.4 (2012-07-01) * Added support for channel keys. * 422 message is now sent after registration when no MOTD is available. This is apparently needed by some clients. * Added support for WALLOPS command. * Added option to store persistent state (currently channel topic and key). * Fixed crash when the write queue for a disconnected client is non-empty. 0.3 (2011-08-25) * Added --debug flag. * Added optional logging of channel messages to file. * Send a 251 message upon registration to please Pidgin. * Understand but ignore AWAY messages. * Various code cleanup. 0.2.0 (2003-12-12) * Added switch for specifying a MOTD file. * Added WHOIS and MOTD commands. 0.1.1 (2003-12-09) * Handle bad port specification nicely. * Minor cleanups. 0.1.0 (2003-12-03) * First released version. 0.0.0 (autumn, 2003) * [Internal usage.]