path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab765c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import urllib.request;
+import json;
+import configparser;
+slack logging run via a cronjob and stored in MongoDB
+for r/GlobalOffensive
+def getjson(url):
+ '''
+ returns json data from the url
+ args:
+ url = url to request data from
+ '''
+ f = urllib.request.urlopen(url);
+ content =;
+ f.close();
+ return content;
+def getstaticapidata():
+ '''
+ downloads our api data and stores them
+ returns nothing
+ i hate this function
+ '''
+ # channel json
+ channelurl = "{}&exclude_archived={}&exclude_members={}";
+ channelurl = channelurl.format(token, cfg.get('channels', 'archived'), cfg.get('channels', 'members'));
+ global channeljson;
+ channeljson = getjson(channelurl);
+ # users json
+ usersurl = "{}";
+ usersurl = usersurl.format(token);
+ global usersjson;
+ usersjson = getjson(usersurl);
+ #
+def getchannelid(channel):
+ '''
+ returns channel id gathered from the name provided via the slack api
+ args (all interpreted as strings):
+ channel = channel name (human readable, exclude the #)
+ '''
+ # do magic here
+ j = json.loads(channeljson);
+ totalchannels = len(j['channels']);
+ for x in range(totalchannels):
+ if (j['channels'][x]['name'] == channel):
+ channelid = j['channels'][x]['id'];
+ try:
+ channelid;
+ except NameError:
+ channelid = "not found";
+ return channelid;
+def getchannelmsghistory(token, channelid, count):
+ '''
+ returns https request from the slack api containing channel message history.
+ args (all interpreted as strings):
+ channelid = channel id (use getchannelid() to retrieve this from the human readable name)
+ '''
+ url = "{}&channel={}&count={}";
+ url = url.format(token, channelid, count);
+ content = getjson(url);
+ j = json.loads(content);
+ totalmessages = len(j['messages']);
+ for x in range(totalmessages):
+ # handle message here
+ print("<" + getusername(j['messages'][x]['user']) + "> " + str(j['messages'][x]['text'].encode('utf8')));
+ return str(totalmessages);
+def getuserid(username):
+ '''
+ returns the user id gathered from the username provided via the slack api
+ args (all interpreted as strings):
+ username = human readable username (daniel_j for example)
+ '''
+ # do magic here
+ j = json.loads(usersjson);
+ totalusers = len(j['members']);
+ for x in range(totalusers):
+ if (j['members'][x]['name'] == username):
+ userid = j['members'][x]['id'];
+ try:
+ userid;
+ except NameError:
+ userid = "not found";
+ return userid;
+def getusername(userid):
+ '''
+ returns the username gathered from the userid and slack api
+ args (all interpreted as strings):
+ userid = users userid
+ '''
+ # do magic here
+ j = json.loads(usersjson);
+ totalusers = len(j['members']);
+ for x in range(totalusers):
+ if (j['members'][x]['id'] == userid):
+ username = j['members'][x]['name'];
+ try:
+ username;
+ except NameError:
+ username = "not found";
+ return username;
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ cfg = configparser.ConfigParser();
+ token = cfg.get("slack", "token");
+ # static api data = channel info and user info
+ getstaticapidata();
+ #print(cfg.get("slack", "token"));
+ #print(getchannelmsghistory(cfg.get('slack', 'token'), "C03UGEJ38", cfg.get("messagelog", "count")));
+ print("channel id from name: " + getchannelid("modmail"));
+ print("id from username: " + getuserid("daniel_j"));
+ print("username from id: " + getusername("U2S719P6Y"));
+ print("total messages retrieved: " + getchannelmsghistory(token, getchannelid("general"), cfg.get('messagelog', 'count')));