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1 files changed, 11 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 48ff3be..8ec8b23 100644
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@@ -2,3 +2,14 @@
static site generator for my website/blog/portfolio at
# why?
My website previously relied heavily on php/databases and didn't render correctly inside my terminal web browser so I decided to take the static, html only route and created a static website generator.
+# how do I use it?
+This script is really _really_ optimised for _my_ setup. to use it in its default state you need ot do the following:
+modify template.txt to your liking, this is used on EVERY page
+create a directory named content
+create content/index.txt, this will hold your index.html content (just text and stuff)
+create content/portfolio.txt (or remove generateportfolio();)
+create directory content/blog
+create blog posts in content/blog, 1.txt is the OLDEST post.
+It's all just .txt files, you can add html/js to them.