# sitegenerator static site generator for my website/blog/portfolio at https://danieljon.es # why? My website previously relied heavily on php/databases and didn't render correctly inside my terminal web browser so I decided to take the static, html only route and created a static website generator. # how do I use it? I've created the setup.sh script, it will generate everything you need to get a minimal website up with a few example blog posts, anime recommendation of k-on, nico as your waifu and two sample projects in your portfolio. ''' Run ./setup.sh once. then everytime you update the site run: python3 generatesite.py && cp -r output/* /var/www #or where ever your root dir is ''' # settings.cfg? This file contains various settings you can change including the number of blog posts per page, titles, content locations, blog directory etc. Play with these if you want. # .htaccess for blog? I use the following as my .htaccees for /blog, it makes /blog go to blog/1, /1 translates to 1.html etc: ``` Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Order Allow,Deny Allow from all RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ $1.html [NC,QSA] DirectoryIndex 1.html ```