#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' script to auto-generate my static website/blog/portfolio @ https://danieljon.es ''' import configparser; import errno; import os; import glob; from shutil import copyfile; from tempfile import mkstemp; from shutil import move; from os import fdopen, remove; from time import gmtime, strftime; def replace(file_path, pattern, subst): fh, abs_path = mkstemp(); with fdopen(fh, "w") as new_file: with open(file_path) as old_file: for line in old_file: new_file.write(line.replace(pattern, subst)); remove(file_path); move(abs_path, file_path); def generateindex(): template = cfg.get("output", "template"); outdir = cfg.get("output", "dir"); indexsrc = cfg.get("index", "src"); print("generating {}/index.html from {}".format(outdir, indexsrc)); copyfile(template, outdir + "/index.html"); with open(indexsrc, "r") as contentfile: content = contentfile.read(); replace(outdir + "/index.html", "{TITLE}", cfg.get("index", "title")); replace(outdir + "/index.html", "{INFO}", cfg.get("index", "header")); replace(outdir + "/index.html", "{CONTENT}", content); replace(outdir + "/index.html", "{TIME}", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())); def generatepagebar(currentpage, pagecount): print("generating page bar for {} total {}".format(currentpage, pagecount)); pages = "
prev "; for x in range(1, int(pagecount)+1): if x == int(currentpage): pages += "" + str(x) + " "; else: pages += "" + str(x) + " "; pages += "next
"; return pages; def generateportfolio(): template = cfg.get("output", "template"); outdir = cfg.get("output", "dir"); portfoliosrc = cfg.get("portfolio", "src"); print("generating {}/portfolio.html from {}".format(outdir, portfoliosrc)); copyfile(template, outdir + "/portfolio.html"); with open(portfoliosrc, "r") as contentfile: content = contentfile.read(); replace(outdir + "/portfolio.html", "{TITLE}", cfg.get("portfolio", "title")); replace(outdir + "/portfolio.html", "{INFO}", cfg.get("portfolio", "header")); replace(outdir + "/portfolio.html", "{CONTENT}", content); replace(outdir + "/portfolio.html", "{TIME}", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())); def deletefiles(ddir): # delete all blog files for the_file in os.listdir(ddir): file_path = os.path.join(ddir, the_file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path); def generateblog(): template = cfg.get("output", "template"); outdir = cfg.get("output", "dir"); blogdir = cfg.get("blog", "dir"); directdir = cfg.get("blog", "direct"); blogsrc = cfg.get("blog", "srcdir"); perpage = cfg.get("blog", "perpage"); print("generating {}/{}/ from directory /{}/final".format(outdir, blogdir, blogsrc)); os.makedirs(outdir + "/" + blogdir, exist_ok=True); os.makedirs(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + directdir, exist_ok=True); os.makedirs(blogsrc + "/final", exist_ok=True); # number of blog posts postcount = len(glob.glob1(blogsrc, "*.txt")); pagecount = postcount/int(perpage)+1; print("{} posts, {} per page = {} pages".format(postcount, perpage, int(pagecount))); folder = outdir + "/" + blogdir; # delete generated blog files deletefiles(outdir + "/" + blogdir); # delete renamed blog files deletefiles(blogsrc + "/final"); ''' copy our blog posts to blogsrc/final, rename them, 60 becomes 1, 59 becomes 2 etc this is done because I am extremely lazy and had troubles doing it any other way. sorry if you're reading this. ''' #integrate this with the loop below it? count = 1; for x in range(int(postcount), 0, -1): copyfile(blogsrc + "/" + str(x) + ".txt", blogsrc + "/final/" + str(count) + ".txt"); count += 1; # generate pages for x in range(1, int(pagecount) + 1): copyfile(template, outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html"); with open(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html", "r") as contentfile: content = contentfile.read().replace('\n', ''); replace(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html", "{TITLE}", cfg.get("blog", "title")); replace(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html", "{INFO}", cfg.get("blog", "header")); replace(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html", "{TIME}", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())); # place blog posts into their pages count = 1; cpage = 1; page = ""; total_count = postcount; # count from 1 - perpage, add perpage to count, count from count - count + perpage while count < postcount + 1: for x in range(count, count + int(perpage)): if count < postcount + 1: with open(blogsrc + "/final/" + str(x) + ".txt") as contentfile: content = contentfile.read(); page += "
direct link" + content + "

"; count += 1; total_count -= 1; if cpage <= pagecount: page += generatepagebar(str(cpage), str(int(pagecount))); page = generatepagebar(str(cpage), str(int(pagecount))) + page; replace(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + str(cpage) + ".html", "{CONTENT}", page); page = ""; cpage += 1; # generate /direct/ pages for x in range(1, int(postcount) + 1): copyfile(template, outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + directdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html"); replace(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + directdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html", "{TITLE}", cfg.get("blog", "title")); replace(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + directdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html", "{INFO}", cfg.get("blog", "header")); replace(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + directdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html", "{TIME}", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())); with open(blogsrc + "/" + str(x) + ".txt") as contentfile: content = contentfile.read(); replace(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + directdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html", "{CONTENT}", content); replace(outdir + "/" + blogdir + "/" + directdir + "/" + str(x) + ".html", "media/", "../media/"); def generateopinions(): template = cfg.get("output", "template"); outdir = cfg.get("output", "dir"); opinionssrc = cfg.get("opinions", "src"); opinionsdir = cfg.get("opinions", "dir"); print("generating {}/{}/index.html from {}".format(outdir, opinionsdir, opinionssrc)); copyfile(template, outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/index.html"); with open(opinionssrc, "r") as contentfile: content = contentfile.read(); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/index.html", "{TITLE}", cfg.get("opinions", "title")); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/index.html", "{INFO}", cfg.get("opinions", "header")); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/index.html", "{CONTENT}", content); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/index.html", "{TIME}", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())); # anime animesrc = cfg.get("anime", "src"); print("generating {}/{}/index.html from {}".format(outdir, opinionsdir, animesrc)); copyfile(template, outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/anime.html"); with open(animesrc, "r") as contentfile: content = contentfile.read(); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/anime.html", "{TITLE}", cfg.get("anime", "title")); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/anime.html", "{INFO}", cfg.get("anime", "header")); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/anime.html", "{CONTENT}", content); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/anime.html", "{TIME}", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())); #everything else everythingsrc = cfg.get("everything", "src"); print("generating {}/{}/index.html from {}".format(outdir, opinionsdir, everythingsrc)); copyfile(template, outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/everything.html"); with open(everythingsrc, "r") as contentfile: content = contentfile.read(); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/everything.html", "{TITLE}", cfg.get("everything", "title")); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/everything.html", "{INFO}", cfg.get("everything", "header")); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/everything.html", "{CONTENT}", content); replace(outdir + "/" + opinionsdir + "/everything.html", "{TIME}", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())); def generatewaifus(): template = cfg.get("output", "template"); outdir = cfg.get("output", "dir"); waifussrc = cfg.get("waifus", "src"); waifusdir = cfg.get("waifus", "dir"); print("generating {}/{}/index.html from {}".format(outdir, waifusdir, waifussrc)); copyfile(template, outdir + "/" + waifusdir + "/index.html"); with open(waifussrc, "r") as contentfile: content = contentfile.read(); replace(outdir + "/" + waifusdir + "/index.html", "{TITLE}", cfg.get("waifus", "title")); replace(outdir + "/" + waifusdir + "/index.html", "{INFO}", cfg.get("waifus", "header")); replace(outdir + "/" + waifusdir + "/index.html", "{CONTENT}", content); replace(outdir + "/" + waifusdir + "/index.html", "{TIME}", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())); if __name__ == "__main__": cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(); cfg.read("settings.cfg"); os.makedirs(cfg.get("output", "dir"), exist_ok=True); generateindex(); # index generateblog(); # blog with individual pages generateportfolio(); # portfolio generateopinions(); # opinions/anime generatewaifus(); # my waifus