[output] template = template.txt dir = output [index] title = index header =


src = content/index.txt [portfolio] title = daniel's projects header =


src = content/portfolio.txt [blog] title = daniel's blog header =


Rambles about myself and programming

Comments welcome - comments@danieljon.es

# blog directory dir = blog # direct link directory direct = direct srcdir = content/blog # number of posts per page perpage = 10 # opinions section, website generator rewrite will make this prettier [opinions] title = opinions header =


Thoughts and opinions on various subjects and media that I have consumed.

dir = opinions src = content/opinions/index.txt [anime] title = anime header =


Thoughts on some of my favourite anime series. Spoilers ahead.

src = content/opinions/anime.txt [everything] title = everything else header =

Everything else

Thoughts on everything else that I need to get off my chest.

src = content/opinions/everything.txt [waifus] title = waifus header =

My waifus, not yours

All other waifus are literal trash dir = waifus src = content/waifus/index.txt