AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-04-13fixed the import script. i hate pythonHEADmasterDaniel Jones1-10/+41
2019-04-11removed unnecessary slotsDaniel Jones1-8/+0
2019-04-11many fixes, tweaks and things added, mainly checkbox relatedDaniel Jones5-97/+209
2019-04-11changed readmeDaniel Jones2-2/+6
2019-04-11added markdown readme for githubDaniel Jones1-0/+11
2019-04-08added readme, licence, licence info, ui tab orderingDaniel Jones4-0/+710
2019-04-08added importer script to import from the old databaseDaniel Jones1-0/+96
2019-04-08database changes, lots of core workDaniel Jones5-58/+147
2019-04-07first code, basic program worksDaniel Jones8-0/+991