path: root/qt/build-RGBController-Desktop-Debug
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-06-04added HTML/JS/PHP pages/scripts to allow RGB changes over a web page. Integra...daniel-Jones6-324/+894
2017-04-07Merged source into one .cpp and .h. Added serial communication from the Ardui...daniel-Jones4-19/+124
2017-02-26Created a console based version of the RGB controller using Qt.daniel-Jones1-0/+0
2017-02-23Converted presets file location to a safe OS agnostic location (~/.local/shar...daniel-Jones7-356/+1563
2017-02-15Fade with individual speed control now works, can fade each color at its own ...daniel-Jones2-13/+13
2017-02-13added fade ability to Arduino sketch, using psuedo threading. Rework of seria...daniel-Jones2-0/+604